Kids Outdoor Zone
So many boys are becoming lost in our darkening world because they don’t have proper male role models in their lives. We pledge to put them in front of Godly men who can teach them and lead them toward becoming stellar men of God themselves.
When do you meet?
On the second Saturday of every month, our men and boys meet at Rozetta Baptist Church to talk about the Bible, pray and fellowship together, and share a meal. Best of all, we work on a project together. We follow the KOZ motto: WE DO HARD THINGS. We share blisters and bruises. We sweat together, and we share triumphs together. Together, we wrestle with the outdoors.
Where do you meet?
Each monthly adventure begins at Rozetta Baptist. We’re not interested in making our boys Baptist. We desire to grow strong, Godly men who can walk into the adult world prepared to face it with Christ as their unshakable foundation.
Who is helping?
In alphabetical order, our team consists of the following men: Dan Ashton, Patrick Bigger, Ross Bigger, Brett Cole, Nate Defenbaugh, Aaron Ferch, Shawn Lain, and Ray Mills. Except for Dan Ashton, it’s a group of men who know the ins and outs of practically every outdoor activity—men who can capably show boys how to do man things outdoors. Most importantly, although they aren’t perfect men, they have growing relationships with Christ and desire every boy to come under their roof to find the same kind of relationship with Christ.
How do I sign up?
If you know of a boy who needs a solid male role model, who needs to re-discover the outdoors, who needs to learn how to do man things, feel free to text Dan Ashton at 309-331-3148. Just say, “Hey, Dan, I know a boy who you all can help.” He’ll give you a call and supply all the details.
Colossians 1:28
"Him we proclaim, warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom, that we may present everyone mature in Christ."