“13 I believe that I shall look upon the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living! 14 Wait for the LORD; be strong, and let your heart take courage; wait for the LORD!”
Too many mornings are spent allowing our thoughts and our feelings to talk to us. To tell us how the day is going to go, who we are, and what terrible things we have done. If only we would follow the example of the Psalmist. See how he counsels himself? He tells himself that he believes! What a fascinating statement. If you already believed, why would you need to say it to yourself or God? Does God need a reminder?
No, but you, my weak friend, do. In this Christian walk, there is always a need to self-counsel. We must not allow our hearts to tell us things, but we must say to our hearts what we believe, what the truth is, and who we are in Christ. Hours, days, and weeks are lost in the futile wrestling with thoughts, feelings, and wisps of temptations that circulate the track around our minds. If only we would stop fighting battles that are entirely unnecessary. Begin today by telling yourself that you believe you will see the goodness of the Lord in heaven! One day! And then, tell yourself to wait on the Lord and His perfect timing. Tell your heart to be strong, to take courage, and to wait for the Lord. There is no better place to be than exactly where God has you today. Control your body with His truth, and watch how different your life becomes.
Grace and Peace,
Pastor Dan