“4 Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.”
God calls us to walk through the valleys of life for many reasons. There are times when it is for the salvation of others. There are times when it is solely for our benefit. At all times, He calls us to walk through the valley because the suffering we experience in the current life makes us all the more expectant of the next. These moments draw us closer to Christ and His tender love. They remind us of our shared suffering with our Savior. They push us to greater levels of dependence on the only sufficient One.
So, while we are stumbling in the dark and dreary circumstances surrounding us, what should our disposition be? We will CHOOSE to fear no evil. This is a choice, my friend. You must decide to believe that God is greater than your affliction, than your persecution, and than your tribulation. The good Shepherd is much more powerful than all of those wolves and the others combined. Dear sheep, listen to the voice of your Shepherd. His rod and His staff should comfort us. He disciplines those whom He loves and guides those He cares for dearly. You are His beloved child, and He will always do what is for your utmost good, no matter what life may look like. Trust in your Shepherd this morning.
Grace and Peace,
Pastor Dan