“9 Therefore my heart is glad, and my whole being rejoices; my flesh also dwells secure. 10 For you will not abandon my soul to Sheol, or let your holy one see corruption.”
The heart has a tendency not to be glad. It feels effortless for our hearts to follow life's positives and negatives and ride the hills and valleys to the end. It takes some stern and stout truth to keep your heart steady. The psalmist today brings to our attention a small threefold hallelujah, it would seem. He says that his heart is glad, his whole being rejoices, and even his flesh dwells securely. Stacking these terms is intended to communicate just how affected we should be.
This is not for no reason. Look at the text! God will not abandon our souls to Sheol. Not only that, He will not even allow us to see corruption! What protection! What love! What security! If I know these things to be true, of course, my heart is glad! Of course, my whole being rejoices; even my flesh feels secure because I have the ultimate security from the supreme authority of all! Encourage your heart with this truth and walk in it. I serve the God of the nations who controls all things, and my finite, fickle, fallible soul is held perfectly, indefinitely, and without dispute in His omnipotent hands. Praise the Lord!
Grace and Peace,
Pastor Dan