“7 I bless the LORD who gives me counsel; in the night also my heart instructs me. 8 I have set the LORD always before me; because he is at my right hand, I shall not be shaken.”
The psalmist begins by saying what he is going to do. There are many mornings when we should start the same way. It is so easy for our minds to wander, for depression, anxiety, or bitterness to attempt to sink its teeth into the first blinks of the day. The flesh is a restless evil that waits no time to attack. John Owen once said (approximately) that our favorite sins greet us in the morning. How true this is of me, and I am sure you would say the same. Some days are worse than others, though all days would be better if they began with me saying, “I WILL bless the Lord who gives me counsel.”
Do not allow the flesh to set itself before you this morning, my friend. Choose! Today is the day! Choose to put the Lord always before you. There is nothing more extraordinary to seek, ponder, and love than the Lord. When our hearts feel distant, our minds feel clouded, and our eyes can’t see straight, may we, like the psalmist, say that we have set the Lord ALWAYS before us! If you do this today, the rest will also be true. He will be at your right hand, and you will not be shaken! May God bless you to bless Him and set Him before you throughout the day!
Grace and Peace,
Pastor Dan