One of the regular questions I am asked in our church is regarding my favorite or top 5 (insert many different things here). In light of that, I will post regularly a series of my top recommendations in the areas you have asked most about. If there is something you would like to see me write on in the future, please leave a comment, email me, or let me know in person (preferred!).
Today, we will tackle “Which books of the Bible are the most important to know/study/read/etc. Or do you recommend?” While all of God’s word is perfect, inerrant, and sufficient, certain books are essential to the heart of Christianity. With my preferences and personality probably influencing greatly, here are the top 5 books of the Bible to be intimately familiar with for the good of your soul, in no particular order:

The Psalms
The book of Psalms, the only book written to God, contains examples and instructions for how to live out our relationship with our heavenly Father. No other book of the Bible has more to say about God's attributes, character, and actions than the Psalms. This remarkable book shows us how to pray, mourn, rejoice, worship, and much more. In many ways, the Psalms are an experiential instructional manual for the Christian life. Not only that but within the Psalms are also the most emotionally charged chapters of the Bible. God allows us to see the full scope of human emotion and, most importantly, how we should respond to these situations and feelings as they arise!
I recommend reading the Psalms with a devotional approach. Read a Psalm a day, pick one verse to read aloud multiple times to yourself, and then meditate on it throughout the rest of your day. The Psalms are also fantastic for teaching us how to pray! So, use them as an outline for your prayers.
Blessed is the man
who walks not in the counsel of the wicked,
nor stands in the way of sinners,
nor sits in the seat of scoffers;
Psalm 1:1
God, please help me to be the blessed man (or woman) your word talks about. Keep me from walking the counsel of the wicked and listening to their “wisdom,” which is opposed to yours. Help me to choose this day to not stand in the way of sinners, to turn from their path, and to run to you instead. In my weakest moments, please help me not to act proudly and scoff at those around me or, even worse, at You and Your word. I wish to be a blessed man (or woman), but I know I can only do it by living according to your word. I trust you will continue to change me from the inside out in your perfect timing.
Paul’s Letter to the Romans
The gospel is the beginning, end, and everything in between of the Christian life. Paul’s letter to the church in Rome is the most exhaustive explanation of God's gospel for us. Thus, if there is a book of the Bible that we should be the most intent on studying its doctrine, the book of Romans would be the one. Paul writes an astounding 11 chapters of truths before writing a seemingly small number of 5 chapters of application in light of those truths. This balance helps us realize that knowing the right thing to do is essential, but understanding why it is the right thing is twice as important.
I would encourage you to read Romans with a good study bible in hand. This is a book that you would benefit greatly from short explanatory notes you can trust. Read a section or chapter daily with the study notes and pray over what you have learned. What we know shapes every aspect of our decision-making!
The Gospel of John
While any of the gospels could be put here, and they each have their intended audience and emphasis, the gospel of John is unique in comparison. Matthew was written to the Jews to prove Jesus as the Messiah King who was promised. Mark was written to the Romans to reveal Jesus as the Servant Savior. Luke was written to the Greeks to highlight Jesus as the Son of Man. John was written to everyone to triumphantly proclaim Jesus as the Son of God. John’s gospel account is the most doctrinal and was written specifically with the intent of evangelism (cf. John 20:31).
I would recommend becoming intimately familiar with this book [perhaps through sermons at your local church ;) ]. This is a great book for new believers and older believers alike to read, study, and meditate on. Jesus is everything, and nothing says that much better than the gospel of John. I would also encourage you to read/study this book with a friend who is not saved or is unchurched.
It is hard to understand a story if you do not understand the beginning. To understand the redemptive arc of the Bible, we must have a solid foundation set in the book of Genesis. Everything is there, from where everything came from to the beginnings of civilization, the problem of sin and the fall, and the stories that begin our faith by following Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph. Know your beginnings. Know the Bible’s beginning. Know the foundational truths that undergird everything else!
I would encourage you to make a habit of reading all the way through Genesis every year. This book is essential to our basic understanding of life, God, and reality itself. Renew your mind in this truth regularly.
Similar to the gospels, any of the three wisdom books would benefit you greatly. Due to its succinct structure, aggressive attacks against worldliness, and blunt truths, the book of Ecclesiastes is the closest wisdom book to be compared to sour candy. The effect is instantaneous, efficient, and memorable. We all could use more wisdom. Ecclesiastes will point in the right direction quickly and effectively!
I would encourage you to use this book as a splash of cold water to your spiritual face. Throughout the year, there are many times when we need to “wake up” or reset our perspective. This is the antidote to fix that! Read it section by section and pray over the topics as they come up, and God reveals the idols of your heart.
In conclusion, it is important that you always seek to live in God’s word daily. This is simply my attempt to point you in the direction of the books of the Bible, which could prove the most useful to you as this year comes closer to its end.
May God bless your week as you seek His kingdom first!
Grace and Peace,
Pastor Dan