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I Am Resolved...

Pastor Dan

I am tired, tired of feeling like a mediocre father, husband, pastor, and man. While the Lord has graciously grown me over the last handful of years, I feel as though much of it has been despite myself rather than in conjunction with my own efforts. When you read of great men of the faith, it is easy to find yourself in the pit of despair and despondency. They accomplished much for the Kingdom of God, shown through what they produced and went through for God’s glory. 

We live in a day of motivational videos, self-esteem junkies, and self-help Ted Talks. What kind of man would I like to be? Well, when you look around the internet…it is easy to find extremely driven and disciplined men. They do hard things; they do them aggressively. They overcome, undergo, and come out the other side better for it. Yet, most of these men are not saved and do not even understand their primary purpose in life, the fact of eternity, or the reason they are even able to do what they do. 

In the year 1723, a young man named Jonathan Edwards made 70 resolutions. These resolutions pertained to his overall life mission, good works, time management, relationships, suffering, character, and the many facets of his spiritual life. I am no Jonathan Edwards, but I wish to follow the heartbeat behind these resolutions and have thus determined to make my own. Every year, I will make 10 resolutions (eventually getting to the number 70) until I feel as though I have exhausted my resolutions and will focus on what I have already written. Year by year, the master list will grow, but at other times, I may repeat items from the last year if I feel I have not accomplished them or need to continue focusing on them for my personal growth. 

A quote I have posted on my computer is read daily by me, “If I am not desperate to grow, I am destined to decay.” Passion is a powerful motivator, but motivation comes and goes. Accountability is consistent and ever-present. So, I’ll be posting my resolutions to keep my feet to the fire and perhaps inspire you to take your own growth seriously. 

Without further ado, here are my 10 resolutions for the year 2024:

  1. I am resolved to be a man who controls his body in the area of food. I will withhold myself from eating excessive carbs, sugars, etc., and discipline my stomach and desires for comfort in order to be a more godly man. This begins with a diet of eating meat, veggies, fruit, and dairy only for the foreseeable future. 

  2. I am resolved to be a man who reads one book per week (at a minimum). There is so much I do not know, and reading is a discipline I have grown over the last few years, but one that needs accountability nonetheless.

  3. I am resolved to work out regularly and get into proper shape that honors the God who has given me this body to steward and the people who depend on me to not die an early death because I am overweight and lazy. 

  4. I am resolved to write a weekly blog for my congregation. While I have plenty to occupy my time, there is a different part of the brain and soul that is used in producing something. Not only that but I have also been entrusted with a flock that needs to grow continually. Creating easy-to-read, accessible material for Rozetta Baptist Church is a win for me and those most dear to me. 

  5. I am resolved to become effective and efficient with my time management. What I mean by that is that there are certain hours of the day when my brain is able to work in overdrive, and there are others where all I can do is hold a conversation or play with my toddlers. I, too often, give away hours that would be best for interacting with people to try to study, write, etc., and vice versa. 

  6. I am resolved to be an intentional Dad who shows affection to my children daily. During my childhood, it was normal to see the caricature of Dads being “hard” on their children and that being their way of loving their children, but showing physical affection was considered not manly. I want my children to always feel safe, secure, loved, and comforted by my presence. I am committed to holding them, hugging them, kissing them, and telling them how much I love them daily. 

  7. I am resolved to be the lead repenter in my family. If I can not lead in the humility of repentance, I am not fit to lead my family at all. Especially to my beautiful blessing of a wife, I am determined to be a man who quickly owns up to his failures and shortcomings and seeks to restore the relationship quickly. 

  8. I am resolved to spend more of my “in-between” time in prayer for myself, my family, and my congregation. A man of prayer is a powerful tool in the hands of our Sovereign God. I wish to redeem every moment, especially the moments when I am waiting or disengaged from other activities. 

  9. I am resolved to become an unprovokeable man. Pride is the only thing that drives me to be provoked when people are disrespectful, hurtful, slanderous, rude, etc. I wish to be a humble man, which would be tangibly shown in becoming a man who is unprovoked by the sins of others against me. 

  10. I am resolved to become a hugger. I grew up in a family that rarely showed physical affection. I spent most of my growing years in physically aggressive sports and then transitioned to working in business and sales environments as an adult. Needless to say, the idea of showing physical affection for people you aren’t married to was a foreign concept. Yet, I have learned over these last few years that power, comfort, and vulnerability are found in a pastor who will hug his sheep…and that seems fitting. I will push past myself and become a man of God who shows a tender, compassionate, and caring side through my everyday demeanor. 

So, what are you resolved to do this year?

May God bless your week as you seek His kingdom first!

Grace and Peace,

Pastor Dan

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Jun 13, 2024

I love your number 6. 🥰

Number 9 is a great one, too. We all struggle with pride and proper, Godly responses to what we perceive as provocation or insult. 🤪


Colossians 1:28

"Him we proclaim, warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom, that we may present everyone mature in Christ."

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