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Pastor Dan

Deuteronomy 33:26 (January 5th)

“26 There is none like God, O Jeshurun, who rides through the heavens to your help, through the skies in his majesty.”

The Godness of God is one of the greatest treasure troves of knowledge one can find. The world looks at their idols and says you can choose your god. Do you like cars? Do you like sexual immorality? Do you want lots of money? Do you enjoy people knowing your name? The list goes on and on. The world has idols aplenty, but their gods can be exchanged for others at the same rate. There is no greater value in one idol or the other.

This is why it is so exciting to be a Christian. You woke up today and have the astounding pleasure to announce to the world (after coffee) that there is none like God. Wow! Think about that for a second. There is no one like God. The devil will try to convince you that better things are out there. The world is always trying to sell you its rotten goods. The flesh is always, ALWAYS trying to pull to trade in Almighty God for something cheap, easy, and quick. What a shame. We must wake up singing things like this because it helps us not throw away diamonds for cardboard.

Our God is majestic, riding through the heavens. He rules everything. Controls everything. He is God. His robe is too magnificent for eyes to see. His face a blazing light that burns the sun. His voice deeper and more potent than thunder and lightning. Our God is God. Do not trade in your perfect and pure worship of the God of the universe for some trivial fantasy today. Say no to your sin and keep your eyes fixed on the God of all majesty.

Grace and Peace,

Pastor Dan

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Colossians 1:28

"Him we proclaim, warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom, that we may present everyone mature in Christ."

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